Members in attendance: Anne K, Helen M, Erika H, Nicole B, Dennis K, Dari P, Jane W
1. Erika updated the group on the status of the library exhibit. Entry deadline is April 10th. She said all pertinent information is on the BAA website, but I looked and couldn’t find it there! The information was sent out in the email dated March 11th. Erika said she has only received one entry so far and consensus was that a reminder email would be a good idea.
2. Christine and Dari will begin working on the yearbook. Consensus was that it should be called “Belmont Art Association, Volume I” instead of Decorator Book or Yearbook.
3. Helen has taken over the former BAA space at Uncommon Finds. Anyone who wishes to rent wall space for exhibiting their work should contact Helen. Two walls are available, at $55/wall/month.
4. Artist statements, portrait, and representative work image are due for the BAA website. Should a deadline be established and an email sent out informing members to submit their materials or forgo the opportunity?
5. Members are asked to seek out frame shop discounts for BAA members. Online vendors mentioned were: Art Supply Warehouse (, which has good prices but requires a purchased membership [Dennis K]; for pre-cut mats [Anne K].
6. Linda-Ruth Salter is scouting for places for plain air painting once the weather becomes more conducive to such activities.
7. Dari and Anne discussed their work with the group.