What you need to know:
— The Winter Arts Festival in Belmont will will take place at the VFW Hall, Trapelo Rd. in Belmont MA on Sunday, November 30th from noon to 4:00 PM. Set up will be at 11:00; breakdown from 4:00 to 5:00 PM.
— Spaces will be approximately 10 ft wide by 6 ft deep. Eight foot tables and chairs will be provided. Artists may use their own display structures.
— Artists are requested to submit 3 photographs of artwork representative of that which will be displayed at the fair and a short bio (one paragraph). Email photographs+bio to shrona3559@gmail.com or mail to Oak Hill Studio, 367 Trapelo Road Belmont MA by October 15, 2014. Notification of acceptance will be provided the following week.
— Registration fee will be $25. Artists are encouraged to provide holiday cheer in the way of baked goods etc.
— More information available by calling Sharon Nahill at 617-999-5267 or Joanna Brooks at 617-489-9582. Any volunteer efforts to decorate the hall, etc. are greatly appreciated!